
Monday, June 27, 2011

More on that {Father's Day}

After celebrating only two Father's Day's it has already become one of my favorite celebrations of the year. There is hardly a thing in the world that is more tender to my heart than seeing the man I love with the babies we share. As G grows so does his obviously adoration of his Daddy. And as he grows the number of things that the two of them can share in grows as well.

This past Father's Day, Matt wanted to start the morning at the driving range trying out his new driver. So after breakfast we all loaded up and headed out with a few extra plastic clubs in the bag.

I am not sure how Matt envisioned the trip going, but he hardly got to hit a ball. Most of the morning looked like this...

The sweet thing is, whether he envisioned it or not, I don't think he would have had it any other way. G was in heaven getting to hit the ball a few feet and learning to use the tee. He would come back and sit with Nolan and I and count as Daddy hit five balls and then it was "my turn" again.

I think it was a perfect picture of Father's Day. The selflessness that being a Father brings and the joy that being selfless miraculously gives you in return.

See before kids I imagine there were a million things that Matt never imagined that he could do, would want to do or would even love doing
Like sharing his last bite of pudding or even his cherished lick of the lid,
Singing the ABC's softly on repeat to calm a fussy baby,
Reading the same book 5 times (or more) in a row because that sweet "again daddy" is just so irresistible,
kissing boo-boo's,
wiping snot,
making diaper changes a count down game to distract a squirmy toddler,
sitting in the little chairs at the library watching a production of the Tortoise and the Hare,

driving to the call of every bus, plane, horse, or cow, buying knee pads just so he could give G horsey rides on the wood floors
or spending your morning at the driving range like this...

Our boys are so blessed to call him Daddy and the sweet thing is I know at such young ages they already feel it.

Matt, you are the boy's hero and my rock and we love you always!

See last Father's Day here.

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