
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

You Name 'Em

What a weekend! (Or at least it was when I started writing this 2 weeks ago) We were paid a special visit from Grandpa, Grandma, and Uncle Eric. Well, that is what they were called before this weekend anyway. G has now affectionately renamed them Pepaw, Memaw and Unc, Uncle, or Uncle E. I find it really sweet and special that he has come up with his own names for them but I have also found that when it is coming from the sweet lips of G, most people will answer to anything.

The weekend was spent just playing around the house and boy did G play. He has loved having all of the visitors since Nolan was born and he definitely soaked in the family this weekend.

G is still recovering their visit with an almost 3 hour morning nap. Morning Nap, what? Exactly, what I thought when he asked for a nap at 10 am. He is usually an afternoon napper. But between the weekend activities, late bed time and gloomy weather I guess he figured a nap was in order.

We had so much fun and can't wait to see Memaw, Pepaw and Unc again!

1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud at the names he has given his grandparents. :) :)
